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First Due MCI

6/2/24 at 17:50 hours this evening, Taunton was activated for an MVC with multiple injuries and possible ejection.

Car 1 (Chief Phelan) marked enroute and started Howlett Hill Engine 3 (with Car 1) as they had their Heavy Rescue staffed and there were incoming reports of possible entrapment.

Taunton Ladder 5 (Captain Martin) responded and arrived first due, stabilizing the vehicle and starting extrication. Onondaga Hill Rescue 1 (with Car 2) was also started for manpower. Taunton Rescue 1 (FF Messina), Rescue 2 (FF Sauer) & M1 (FF B. Smith) also responded.

In all, 8 patients were treated and transported by AMR, TLC and WAVES ambulances.

The patient needing extrication was removed in less than 5 minutes from arrival of Ladder 5. Taunton units cleared within the hour and the scene was turned over to Onondaga County Sheriff's Office.

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